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Timeline of​


8000 – 7500 BC.

Neolithic Revolution takes place in the Fertile Crescent the region, which covers Mesopotamia and southeastern Anatolia. Mainly cereals are domesticated.

6600 BC.

Caucasia vine is domesticated in Georogia. The evolution from vitis sylvestris (wild vine) to vitis vinifera (domesticated vine) takes place.

6400 BC.

The earliest evidence of wild grape seeds appears in the city of Nevaliçori, Şanlıurfa.

5400 BC

Oldest evidence of wine residue in Northwestern Iran, based on tartaric acid analysis of archaelogical excavations at Hacı Firuz Tepe.

4250 BC

The earliest evidence of vitis vinifera, seeds of domesticated grapes in Kurbanhöyük, Şanlıurfa.

4100 BC

Oldest known commerical winery discovered in Areni, Armenia.

2500 BC

The earliest examples of golden wine vessels crafted and used as burial gifts by Hatti people in Alacahöyük, Çorum, Central Anatolia.

1900 BC

Wine gets used as a debt term, as recorded on clay tablets from Kültepe, Kayseri, Central Turkey.

1500 BC

Earliest law code in the World about viticulture by Hittites found in Hattusas, Çorum, Central Anatolia.

1400-1300 BC

The increase in amphora wine transportation across Mediterranean by Phoenicians from present day Lebanon. Uluburun and Gelidonya sunken vessels near Kaş on Lycian coast illustrate the commercial transportation activity.

1200 BC.

Migration of Trojans to Italy after the legendary war and possible introduction of viticulture to Italian peninsula.

550 BC

Migration of Phoceans from the Persian ocupation of Anatolia and introduction of viticulture to France starting from Marseilles and Rhone River.

450 BC.

The earliest mention of a grape variety in Smyrna, present day Izmir by Herodotus. The grape is Moskhatos, from Muscat variety of grapes.

3rd C. BC.

Construction of biggest temple of antiquity dedicated to Dionysos, god of life, theater, grapes, and wine in Teos near Izmir.

1st C BC–1st C AD.

Strabo, the Roman geographer from Amasya, and Pliny the Elder mention and praise Anatolian and Thracian wines.

4th -6th C AD.

Increase in area cultivated and in wine produced in Thrace and in Anataolia following the transfer of Roman capital from Rome to Istanbul

11th – 13th C AD.

Increase in Eastern Roman wine production and trade in the Sea of Marmara and in Aegean.

15th - 19th C.

In Ottoman Empire period muslims arenot allowed to produce grape for wine production while viticulture is practised and wine production is realized by non-muslims such as Armenians, Orthodox Greeks and Jewish population of the empire.

1927 – 1947

Young Republic of Turkey sets the bases of present day viticulture and wine production despite the economic diffuculties faced in the first two decades of this modern period.